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BLOCKED: A sex worker’s guide to stalking and harassment

Members of SWARM have created a new zine ‘BLOCKED: A sex worker’s guide to stalking and harassment’.

This is a 34-page PDF for sex workers on digital security, setting boundaries with clients, legal definitions of different kinds of stalking/harassment and where you can turn for help.

Written by & for sex workers in the UK, with most legal information and resources relevant for those based in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

If you are a sex worker and would like a copy, please email to be sent your copy.

mine to define #2

"Our lives and experiences are a journey between different states from victimhood to resistance, resilience to healing. Few words, few submissions in a zine from a sex worker collective will not be enough to explore the complexity and uniqueness of our narratives. But maybe it will be a start to dismantle the oppressive narrative that survivors working in the sex industry need rescuing and are unable to speak for themselves”

Click button below to download or view the zine on issuu.

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mine to define
survivors & sex workers SPEAK OUT!

"We decided to create this small zine to give a little space for survivors sex workers like ourselves to share their stories, analysis, and testimonies… Our lives are complex and often hard to put in to words due to the stigma, shame and guilt associated to both sex work and (sexual) abuse. And what sometimes makes it even harder are these un-nuanced discourses and debates on sex work and prostitution: Happy hooker or victim. Empowered or abused. Always one or the other. Never both, never neither.


Trans Rentboys: love don't pay the rent

Trans rentboys : love don't pay the rent, is a wee collection of short writings in English, by trans boy sex workers based in the UK, Europe, Australia and Aotearoa/NZ. The contributors herald a range of gender expressions, and it just happens that most of the writers are people of colour.


Femme Whore

Femme//Whore is a zine about and by sex worker femmes.Femmes and sex workers can experience, amongst other oppressions, femmephobia and whorephobia, and an interest in examining this intersection was the thought which prompted the call for this zine. 


Ho Lover: About Dating and Friending Sex Workers

Ho Lover focuses on how to be a friend and partner to sex workers. Many of us carry internalised biases and whorephobia, and we can bring these into our relationships. This zine helps us unpack that baggage and create considerate caring environments for those we love who do sex work.