Call for Submissions: Mine to Define zine, issue two!

We’re putting together a second issue of ‘Mine to Define: Survivors and Sex Workers Speak Out’. If you haven’t already read it, the first issue is here.

We got a lot of positive feedback and a lot of people wanting to contribute after the first one so we’re doing a general call out for the second.

We’re looking for contributions from sw’ers from any part of the industry who have been through something they define as abusive, whether they define or identify with the term ‘survivor’ or not.

These experiences can have happened in childhood, before starting work, within a session, interpersonally once a worker, or at any other time.

Submissions can be poetry, personal stories and experiences, art, theory, narrative, anything you like. The motivation for the zine is to break the silence that we often have to feel in the industry to not perpetuate any stigmas that often circle about ‘you’re only a worker because you were abused’ or ‘if you were abused at work, that means the industry should be criminalised’. These things end up silencing us around a topic where remaining silent spreads toxicity.

The due date for submissions is the 22nd April. If you have any questions feel free to get in touch.

All submissions and questions can be sent to